
分类:纪录片 丹麦2020



纪录片的原标题是“The Mole Infiltrating North Korea”,因此“朝鲜卧底”可能不够准确,根据纪录片的内容来看,“渗透”一词是更合适的。


导演布鲁格(一个因为纪录片《红色礼堂the red chapel》而被朝鲜政府封杀的导演)雇了一个在片中叫Ulrich Larsen(也就是那个鼹鼠Mole)的人,共同花费十年时间,记录了朝鲜政府在联合国制裁下的军火贸易。卧底“Mole”先是打入由西班牙人Alejandro领导的“朝鲜友谊协会”(这个神奇的组织由一群欧洲发达国家的朝鲜崇拜者组成,日常活动就是在某个会议室或客厅里聚在一起对着朝鲜国旗和金日成、金正日的画像学习主体思想),Alejandro自诩为受到信任的“朝鲜高官”,俨然一副朝鲜欧洲代理人的腔调。Mole在获取“组织上的”信任后,被委派前往朝鲜洽谈军火生意。





All the evidence and allegations in this film have been presented to the North Korean government through their embassy in Sweden. The embassy declined an interview. There has been no response from the authorities in Pyongyang. 本片中的所有证据和指控都已通过朝鲜驻瑞典大使馆提交给朝鲜政府。大使馆拒绝接受采访。平壤当局也没有作出回应。

The North Korean nationals who appear in this series were simply doing their job on behalf of their government. Their actions are not illegal in North Korea. 这部影片中出现的朝鲜国民只是代表他们的政府在做他们的工作。他们的行为在朝鲜并不违法。

Alejandro Cao de Benós, Head of the Korean Friendship Association, declined a request for an interview. He claims that he was "play acting' in the meetings with Mr James and says the film is "biased, staged and manipulated". 朝鲜友好协会负责人Alejandro Cao de Benós拒绝了接受采访的请求。他声称,他在与詹姆斯先生的会面中是在 "演戏",并说这部电影是 "有偏见的,被操纵的"。

Jordanian businessman Hisham El Dasouki declined to comment on the detailed allegations but replied: "Scamming was my essential goal from this deal since I am facing financial problems." 约旦商人Hisham El Dasouki拒绝对详细的指控进行评论,但回答说。"诈骗是我在这笔交易中的基本目标,因为我正面临着财务问题。"

Ugandan government official, Moses Magala, said he would not have attended the meeting with Mr James if he had known what was intended. Ugandan real estate agent, Jude Muzoora, made no comment on the allegations but requested payment for his participation. 乌干达政府官员摩西-马加拉(Moses Magala)说,如果他知道詹姆斯先生的意图,他就不会参加与他的会面。乌干达房地产经纪人Jude Muzoora对这些指控没有发表评论,但要求为他的参与支付报酬。


In 2010, Danish director Mads Brugger received an email from a stranger who had seen a documentary he had made about North Korea. He asked if Mads would be interested in making a new film about his quest to become a member of his local North Korean 'friendship' association in Denmark to enable him to travel to Pyongyang undercover. There are Korean Friendship Associations (KFA) in countries around the world, and their members, bizarrely, are devoted to the glorification of the world's last totalitarian communist dictatorship. 详情


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