我终究无法放下你:当代情绪化历史 已完结 共6集

分类:欧美剧 英国2021



Leftists advocator. “The new group might look like radicals, and dance to black music, but really they were the children of the colonialisits who had run the Empire. And they had no intention of giving up their power…The old system of power was simply mutating, morphing into a new form that comouflaged itself in radicalism… but still would manage and control.”

Kahneman: “What we think of as the self is really just a small part of somthing else hidden inside our brains - a much larger part of the brain that actually experience the world ouside. But that experience makes no sense - it is just an ongoing, chaotic rush of biochemical data that flashes up and fades away. And what humans think of as their self is actually an accessory that tries to make sense of this chaotic mass of incoming data. But, to do that, it has to simplify and turn that data into stories that are sometimes so implified that they bear little relationship to the reality outside. It gives people the feling that they are in control, but that is just a comforting ilusion.”



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