拽妹黛薇儿第三季 已完结 共13集

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Oh, what a joy I didn’t wake up dead.

What tales of nothing will unfold?

Nowhere isn’t anywhere I want to live.

Nowhere is an address that’s very hard to give.

I want to live to see what this place looks like after it’s obliterated.

It’s this sitting here doing nothing!

The sight’s a bit too much for me!

How about thinking people should accept me for who I am

Without my having to change?

Right! They should accept you for you are:

A complex and interesting young lady worth knowing,

Instead of seeing your glasses and jumping to some moronic conclusion

Based on ridiculous stereotypes and their own ignorance.

I always knew this day would come and wondered how it would be.

And, now that is has, I feel strangely…serene.

Suppose you were well known for not caring what other people think of you,

And then suddenly you did something

That showed maybe you do care a little about what other people think of you.

Would that invalidate everything you’d done and said up till then

And make you a hypocrite?

So that she can get under my skin.

I’m a hypocrite and phony. That’s what’s the matter.

Who told you you had to be a martyr to principle?

To have standards too high to live up to.

Like we’re not that different, just human, or whatever.

We are just human or whatever.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness.

They’re homeless, they’re not tasteless.

I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of helping me.

I wouldn’t let her know she was helping me.

Nativities mean Christmas, and Christmas means revenue.

Don’t have to be a wise man to figure that out.

Could they make the holidays any more vulgar?

The more debased they become, the less reason to celebrate them.

Sometimes I wonder if you’re too cynical, even for me.

The blood’s the reason they’re so still.

Get ready to work like you’ve never worked before!

My own flesh and blood.

Couldn’t just let me enjoy the moment, could you?

I’ve come, I’ve seen, let’s go.

Being young, care free, having your whole life ahead of you and dancing the night away to celebrate.

Now let’s slow thing down so we can heat things up, if you get my drift.

We’re young, but wise; edgy, but full of heart.

As far as I can make out, edgy occurs when middlebrow, middle-aged

Profiteers are looking to suck the energy, not to mention the spending money,

Out of the “youth culture”.

So they come up with this fake concept of seeming to be dangerous

When every move they make

Is the result of market research and a corporate master plan.

I’m not being negative, I’m being edgy.

I made you, and I can unmake you!

Okay. What am I doing here?

How am I going to get through this?

Dear God, help me.

Sometimes I feel like the whole adult world is against youth culture.

Except the adults making a nice, fat living off of it.

What do you mean pushing yourself as some kind of role model

When all you care about is how you look and what celebrities you know?

Aren’t teenage girls screwed up enough

Without you foisting your shallow values on them

And making their lousy self-images even worse?

Why don’t you get in touch with the 30-something without?

Your readers aren’t going to be teenagers forever, unlike you.

A real role model would be teaching them stuff they can use.

That’s check and mate.

Yes. From just the right angle, I really can see through your head.

So your head would serve as sort of an accent piece.

But you’ve got far more to offer than your neck.

You made me lose my place.

In fact, I doubt I can ever top today’s performance.

So I think I’ll take early retirement, starting tomorrow.

You’ve already seen me in enough humiliating situations.

So what would one more hurt? Misery loves company.

It went surprisingly well.

Should I come down and visit? Offer some moral support?

They’ve, like, hijacked my brain.

Moth to a flame.

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