犯罪心理韩版 20集全/已完结

分类:韩剧 韩国2017



《犯罪心理》改编自美国同名人气电视剧,讲述了利用犯罪剖绘的手法来分析罪犯的心理,并解决案件的故事,韩国版本由TAEWON娱乐和Studio Dragon共同参与制作。
Derek Morgan的扮演者 shemar moore 曾是一位模特(与扮演Dr.reid 的mathew grey gubler 同属一家公司,这两孩子太有缘了,在mathew的个人网页上mathew还和shemar 假扮过一对同性恋人,但我觉得有些真情流露啊~~~)shemar 曾被美国人物杂志评选为世界十大最性感男士,他拥有英俊风趣,风度翩翩,无敌电眼+性感笑容+八块腹肌的硬件组合,sweetheart + prince charming + Knight spirit 的绝妙特质,他所扮演的FBI侧写专家Derek Morgan 更加是个集智慧,勇气,力量,温柔于一身的完美绅士。第二季第八集Morgan对命悬一线的博士不离不弃, 尽管hotch命令他离开那辆装有炸弹的车子,他还是握着命悬一线的博士的手,称这位素不相识的博士为“我的女孩”:我不会离开她,别这样,别让我失望,我就在这里陪你 。就连一向不愿留露自己情感的 Gideon 大叔也对他赞誉有加:A young man that I greatly admire and respect .一位我十分倾佩和尊敬的年轻人。  看着这一幕实在让人无法不落泪。我羡慕那位命悬一线的博士,因为所有女孩都梦想被英雄拯救---特别是Morgan这麽帅的英雄。第三季第九集当Garcia中弹后,Derek送她回家,那一段我反反复复看了上百遍,可每次再看都还是泪流满面Derek: You need some rest.去休息吧Garcia: You're right. Go. Be free, my love.对,走吧, 亲爱的,你自由了Derek: Hey. I'm not going anywhere.我哪也不去Garcia: I'm fine. I got my goon squad parked out front.我没事了,外面还有警察守着呢Derek: Goon squad or no goon squad, that couch right there is gonna be my best friend until we find this guy. Now leave it alone.我才不管有没有警察守着呢,直到找到那家伙为止,这沙发就是我的另一半Garcia: Ok.But if you're thinking of trying to take advantage of me...Let me call my doctor so he can revive me afterward.好吧,但你要想占我便宜的话,提醒我先给医生打个电话,以免我两腿一瞪就挂了Derek: Hey, silly girl.嘿,傻丫头Garcia: Hmm?什么Derek: I love you.You know that, right? 我爱你,你知道,对吧Garcia:I love you, too.我也爱你Garcia复原了以后Derek还是紧张得要命,怕她累着,又帮她整理桌子,又帮她调椅子,第三季第十集中Derek的sweet让人看得很温暖Derek: Just leave it alone until i get there.Hard-head.Don't make me spank you when i get back. 放那儿别动,等我回来,傻瓜,小心我回来对你使用暴力啊Reid: Don't listen to him,garcia.He's all talk. 别理他,Garcia,他就是个卖嘴的Reid:(Reid宝宝被derek打后)JJ,he just hit me. JJ他打我捏JJ:You boys behave or i will ground you both.你们俩个死小孩小心老娘把你们禁足我最为喜欢的一幕是第二季第23集 在公园里Derek对无家可归的流浪大妈所展现的友爱与尊重:Derek: Is there anything I can do for you? Get you to a shelter, maybe? 我能为你做些什么吗?送您去庇护所,行吗?Old lady:Have you ever seen one of them shelters? I'll take my chances in the park. At least I got the birds I can feed there. 谁会去庇护所啊,在公园里我还能喂喂鸟呢Derek: Ok. Ok, I understand.Be careful, you hear me? This world needs all of its beautiful ladies, and that means you, too, Maam .好,我明白,要小心啊,这个世界需要漂亮的姑娘,比如你Emily :You're a good guy.你真好Derek: You think ? 你这麽觉得?Emily :Yeah. You make the people around you feel good.是啊,你让你周围的人感到幸福不光Emily这麽想,我也这麽想,世间最好的男人就是能让生命中的各色女人都感到自己是个幸福而美丽的公主的男人,我希望也能有一个Derek Morgan降临我的生命。第五季第21集,多说无用,眼泪啊Derek: it sucks,doesn't it?滋味不好受 是吧?Garcia: What? 什么?Derek: Just knowing that we couldn't have done any of this without you. 没有你我们寸步难行Garcia: Yeah,pretty much.那可不Derek: I'm proud of you,penelope.我以你为荣 PenelopeDespite everything that happened,you came back...And you gotthe job done.虽然发生那么多事 你还是回来了 把任务完成Garcia: The sight of blood used to make me run away. And two nights ago I ran towards it. 以前 我会被血淋淋的景象吓跑两天前那晚 我却冲着它跑过去Derek: It means you're changing into someone stronger than you realize. You cared enough to risk your own life to try and save someone else.说明你不知不觉变坚强了,你不顾个人安危去救别人Garcia: Yeah,but...What's the difference between being strong and being jaded? I'm scared,derek.I don't want to lose who I am是啊 可是...坚强和无情有什么分别? 我很怕 Derek,我不想为了工作而失去自我Derek: We are in one of the most beautiful places on earth.I know you see that,don't you? 这是世界上最美的地方,你也看见了 不是吗Garcia: Yeah.嗯Derek: Then we have nothing to worry about.It's who you are,baby girl. You see the beauty in everything and everyone no matter where you go.That part of you is never gonna change,and I won't let it.那就没什么好担心了,你就是这样 ,亲爱的,无论身在何处 你都能发现万事万物的美好之处 这样的你是不会变的,而我也不允许Garcia: I don't need you to protect me.我不需要你保护我Derek: Tough. I think I'm gonna stay on the job a little while longer.这可有点难度啊,护花使者这工作我大概还要做一阵呢Garcia: Yeah ? How much longer ?是吗? 要多久 ?Derek: Every day of my life.我生命中的每一天Garcia: I kind of love you,derek morgan. 我有点爱上你了Derek: I kinda love you,penelope garcia. 我也有点爱上你了Ralph w. Sockman said,nothing is so strong as gentleness,and nothing is so gentle as real strength."Ralph W. Sockman曾说:没有什么比温柔更坚强,也没有什么比坚强更温柔我们身处在一个充满猜忌,怀疑一切,愤世嫉俗的世界,Derek Morgan 这个家伙似乎是一个让我开始相信骑士精神未死的理由。详情




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